Tag Archives: Compassion

A Special Child

  At Christmas, the child born in the manger is special. Thus, Christmas is a special time for children. During Christmas, children are the focus and center of our special attention. This Christmas, I think of special children. Or children … Continue reading

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Life And Sufferings

The road to hell is paved with good intentions while the path to heaven is carved out with great sufferings. Life’s fabric is woven not only out of joys and happiness but also with tears and sorrow. Suffering is part … Continue reading

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The Kingdom Of God

Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” He replied to him, “Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” ~ Luke 23:35-43   They crucified him , the ultimate punishment for the … Continue reading

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Encountering Christ Today

If Christ were here today, I doubt if He would be welcome in the board rooms of Wall Street. He would probably chastise the people there as He did the Pharisees,“You brood of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak … Continue reading

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Seeing the Face Of Christ In the Church

For the longest time, the Church has been seen as a symbol of power, authority and even of wealth. There were many who could not see the face of Christ in her. Now, this seems to be slowly changing as … Continue reading

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Who Do You Say That I Am

“Who do you say that I am?” The answer to that question is both personal and communal. My personal answer is arrived at through prayer and in loving service to others. The communal answer is achieved through common reflection and … Continue reading

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Living With Mystery

I heard today of the death of a dear friend. He was a devoted son, a deeply caring brother and a totally loving father. And yet, his marriage did not work out. I have a priest friend who worked during … Continue reading

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Praying for Nepal

Horrifying pictures and grim stories continue to flow out of Nepal, as the number of casualties continue to rise. There will be those who will ask, “if there is a God why does He allow such disasters and misery to … Continue reading

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The Lord’s Death on the Cross

In the ancient Roman world, the cross was such an ignominious way to die; the early Christians never really used it as a symbol of their faith nor as part of their rituals. They used the fish (in Greek, ἰχθύς) or … Continue reading

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Good in the Service of Evil?

Two women caught in adultery and people wanted them stoned to death – as required by the Law of Moses. Indeed, adultery is so destructive of loving relationships and of families, it should be dealt with severely. But, as often … Continue reading

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