Author Archives: Spirit Moments
Ask, Seek, and Knock
“Ask and it will be given to you; For everyone who asks, receives.” What is there to still ask for? I have run out of things to ask. Many things I have asked for have been given to me; justas … Continue reading
Our FatherWho Art In Heaven
“This is how you are to pray: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive … Continue reading
There is so much conflict, turmoil and violence in the world today – in and among individuals, in families, in societies, in and among nations. This turmoil is often but a reflection and an echo of the storms and tempests … Continue reading
Oxymorons and Serendipity
When something man-made breaks down, that is usually the end of the useful life of that object, be it a piece of furniture, a toy, an electronic gadget or a car. When something in nature (that is, God-made) breaks down … Continue reading
To Sacrifice is To Give Up & Give It Away
Lent is a time of sacrifices, of giving away and offering up of pleasures and possessions. There is something about material possessions that warp that human soul and distorts it’s values. Even in death and in the afterlife, the rich … Continue reading
Following Christ
“If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save … Continue reading
Remember, Man
It is Ash Wednesday. A day to be reminded that we are but dust in the wind. And the wind will eventually blow us back to dust. Some would celebrate that we are indeed but dust, But we are glorious … Continue reading
Imagine Generosity
Lord Jesus, teach me to be generous; Imagine a world where there is no more hunger nor poverty, for we have the resources to end hunger and poverty. teach me to serve you as you deserve, Imagine people giving out … Continue reading
Tantum Quantum
There is something intrinsically immoral when eight, just eight, persons own more assets and resources than the lower fifty percent of the world’s population. there is something inherently unjust in a situation that would allow just ten percent of people … Continue reading
My Sunday Morning Coffee
If I spill the cup I am holding and it contains coffee, I would spill coffee and not chocolate nor tea. In the same way, if my heart is filled with goodness, the goodness spills into my actions and words. … Continue reading