Tag Archives: Sacrifice

To Sacrifice is To Give Up & Give It Away

Lent is a time of sacrifices, of giving away and offering up of pleasures and possessions. There is something about material possessions that warp that human soul and distorts it’s values. Even in death and in the afterlife, the rich … Continue reading

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Remember, Man

It is Ash Wednesday. A day to be reminded that we are but dust in the wind. And the wind will eventually blow us back to dust. Some would celebrate that we are indeed but dust, But we are glorious … Continue reading

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My Father Is Here

Today is the death anniversary of Tatang. It is uncanny how the years has only made his presence in my life even stronger. I can feel my father alive in me and my own sons. His spirit. His moods. His … Continue reading

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Perseverance Till The End

“You will be hated by all because of my name, but not a hair on your head will be destroyed. By your perseverance you will secure your lives.” ~ Luke 21:12-19 Being a good and upright person is no guarantee … Continue reading

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Towers as Beacons

Babylon was the center of ancient civilization. Its inhabitants were rich and prosperous and considered their city as the seat of life itself. In their affluence and hubris, they decided to build a tower that will reach up to the … Continue reading

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Preparing for the Banquet

My greatest fear growing old is the coming of the day when I shall have outlived my usefulness and become a burden to others. I am beginning to miss the days when I was the go-to or the run-to person … Continue reading

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Wisdom with Age or Lethargy in the Winter Years?

In my youth, I pursued one challenge after another, going from one opportunity to the next. And it had been one exhilarating ride. In the hustle and bustle of such frenetic energy, I thought I would eventually get the answers … Continue reading

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The 10,000 Rule

Practice makes perfect. But to really excel in what one is doing, there is the 10,000 rule. In his book, Outliers: The Story of Success, Malcolm Gladwell puts forward the notion that the key to success is to practice a … Continue reading

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To Be Tempted is To Be Human

God was proud of his servant Job for he was a just and upright man, praising and thanking God every moment of his life. The devil said that was because God showered Job with all good things and countless blessings. … Continue reading

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