Tag Archives: Truth
New Year Declarations
In today’s Gospel, John the Baptizer was asked: “Who are you?. . . . What do you say about yourself?” The start of the year is a good time to reflect on these questions. The secular world’s reply to these … Continue reading
Mary, The Prophet
“In every generation, there has to be some fool who will speak the truth as he sees it.” ~ Boris Pasternak Mary has many title with which we honor her: Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix … Continue reading
King. Prophet. Priest.
King. Prophet. Priest. These are the offices that the Church ascribes to the Christ. In a world of democratically elected leaders, who are savvy in social media to keep them attuned to the pulse and heart beat of their people; … Continue reading
A Perennial Lesson
My two favorite times are the changing of the seasons and the ending of each day. I love the the rich blending of colors when seasons change. They match the gamut of the emotions I feel when earth renews herself. … Continue reading
Knowing The Place For The First Time
We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time. Through the unknown, remembered gate When the last of earth left to … Continue reading
Time And/Or Money?
Money once spent or lost can be earned or found again. Time once spent or lost is gone forever. Therefore, time is more valuable than silver or gold. One needs money to buy a wide screen HDTV to enjoy great … Continue reading
Mysteries And Roots
The world we live in is a simple and yet a mysterious place. There are simple truths that are self-evident. Like, what goes up must come down. There are some truths we do not see but feel deeply in our … Continue reading
Love Is The Only Law Of The Universe
All things by immortal power. Near or far, to each other linked are, that thou canst not stir a flower without troubling of a star. ~ by the poet and mystic, Francis Thompson I first heard these lines from Fr. … Continue reading
What A Difference Faith Makes
I do not have to believe that God exists. I know that for a certain. It is how I understand why there is something instead of nothing, why we exist instead of not exist. But I need faith to believe … Continue reading
Earth Day 2018
Yesterday was Good Shepherd Sunday. As is his style, Jesus draws examples and images from nature to bring home his message. Here, he is the shepherd and we are his flock. There shall be one shepherd and one fold. The … Continue reading