Author Archives: Spirit Moments
Do Not Disturb: God At Work
All is quiet now and there’s silence all around They have killed the Lord and buried him in the ground. The disciples have scampered in fear and confusion Wondering whatever happened to all their ambition Still they did not understand … Continue reading
Good Friday Good Feelings
To many Jews during the time of Jesus, his death on the cross was the awful ending to an adventure gone terribly wrong. Here was an itinerant preacher who simply burst upon the scene, preaching repentance and the coming of … Continue reading
A Cosmic Maundy Thursday
It’s Maundy Thursday. Everything has ground to a halt in the Philippines. The big city is empty and all the streets are practically devoid of traffic. People have hied off to some coasts to refresh their tired bodies or to … Continue reading
Notre Dame de Paris is Burning
The whole watched, riveted in grief and disbelief, as the historic Notre Dame Cathedral was engulfed by a great conflagration. Many could not help avoid connecting the tragedy to the general breakdown of morals throughout the world: the blatant lies … Continue reading
Words and Reality
Words and their power are what make humans who they are, Our capacity to communicate through words has enables us to build civilization. But often, human language isĀ inadequate to express what we truly feel and know deep within us. … Continue reading
Our Interconnectedness in the One
“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” ~ John Muir, the great American Naturalist. Today, after a long hiatus, Anabelle and I went on a hike at the Uvas Canyon county Park with our good … Continue reading
Panyong Paras, Rest In Peace, My Brother
We were friends and brothers even before we actually met. Our years in the seminary, while not contemporaries, created bonds that would last a lifetime. And now that he is gone, I realize the bonds last even unto eternity. In … Continue reading
What’s It All About?
There is in mankind’s collective memory a deep longing for a paradise we once had and lost. And literature is replete with stories of our collective desire to regain this lost paradise: Atlantis, Utopia, Shangri-La, Erehwon. We know that the … Continue reading
The Reckoning: Why Do We Never Learn?
One of the things I truly miss about living in the Bay Area is the easy access to well-stocked public libraries. I get to read new novels and other interesting titles almost as soon as they are off the press, … Continue reading
Living at the Threshold of Eternity
Man has always lived at the threshold of eternity, at the doorsteps of life everlasting. The beauty and grandeur there is in nature is clear indication that there is something better and more life-filled yet to come. Spring may come … Continue reading