S.A.D. @ Christmas


And Mary said, ‘My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.”

Christmas is a joyful season. But how is it that Christmas is often tinged with a touch of sadness for many people? It is a time of love and maybe we miss people we love we could not be with at the moment or even anymore. It is a time of hope but we may find ourselves not able to hope and aspire anymore. It is a time of giving and sharing but we may find ourselves not able or willing to give or share. It is a time when the world is at peace but we find ourselves in turmoil because we are not the person we can or should be.

I used to secretly dread Christmas in my early teens because it was around this time that my parents would have one of their big fights, which often left us children sad, quiet and not quite up to celebrating. It is supposed to be a time of love and happiness and yet here we were dealing sadly with the anger and bickering of our parents.

There is a rational explanation for this kind of behavior during the holidays. Psychologists call it Seasonal Affective Disorder or S.A.D. here are some notes from the Mayo Clinic:

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons — SAD begins and ends at about the same times every year. If you’re like most people with SAD, your symptoms start in the fall and continue into the winter months, sapping your energy and making you feel moody. Less often, SAD causes depression in the spring or early summer.

Treatment for SAD may include light therapy (phototherapy), medications and psychotherapy.

Don’t brush off that yearly feeling as simply a case of the “winter blues” or a seasonal funk that you have to tough out on your own. Take steps to keep your mood and motivation steady throughout the year.

Emotions are not bad. We are both rational and emotional beings. Feelings are an essential part of who and what we are. Reason helps us understand the what, who, when, where, and why of things, places, people, and events. But it is our feelings and emotions that drive us to action. Reason may show us the way; but unless we “feel” it, we will not take that path. Reason will lay out the options available to us and their consequences; but it is with the heart that we finally make the decision.

In our evolution, feelings probably antedated cognition. They were essential for our survival more that emotions were. Feelings tell us if things around us are alright. If they are not, we move on or go somewhere else. Feelings tell us if what we are doing in right. If it feels good, it must be right.

In fact, they could be God’s ways of touching our hearts when our minds would not heed his words. Our mind and reason help us understand and figure things out. But our feelings and emotions help us see the presence of God around us. Mary was filled with awe and joy at the first Christmas season. And you know what she did? “She treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”

And then like her, we will see God’s finger writing out our life’s story and we can break out into song like the Magnificat for ‘the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name.”


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The Mystery of the Incarnation


From today’s Gospel:

When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting,
the infant leaped in her womb,
and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit,
cried out in a loud voice and said,
“Most blessed are you among women,
and blessed is the fruit of your womb. 

And what makes Mary blessed?

And the angel said to her:
“Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you.”

Blessedness comes not from something we have done or have achieved.
It is something that God does to us.
We are blessed when God is with us.
We are blessed not because we deserve it;
but because God wills it.
God does not call or bless those who are worthy;
but he blesses and makes worthy those whom he has called.

This is what Christmas is about.
The birth of Emmanuel – God with us.
Through the birth in the manger, God blesses humanity
This is the mystery of the Incarnation – God made man.
In spite of our weaknesses and incapacities, God comes to us.
Through the Incarnation, he capacitates and enables us.
He has given us the gift of life – unasked for and unmerited.
Through the Incarnation, he brings fullness and fulfillment to that life.


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In Need of Redemption




In the sixth month,
the angel Gabriel was sent from God
to a town of Galilee called Nazareth,
to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph,
of the house of David,
and the virgin’s name was Mary.




It is striking that God does his work often in small towns and villages. The Annunciation happened in the small village of Nazareth, where Jesus would also eventually grow in age and stature, before God and men. He was born in the small town of Bethlehem. As an itinerant preacher, he did most of his teaching and healing in the small town and villages of Judea.

Cities are often seen as places of sinfulness and immorality. Sodom and Gomorrah. Babel. Babylon. And later, Rome. To be sure, men have achieved their greatest deeds mainly in cities. But the great cities have also spawned and magnified today’s great problems like poverty in slums, oppression of the masses, pollution and crime. It is easy to see the seven deadly sins incarnated in these cities. Talk of greed and I think of Wall Street and New York. Talk of selfishness and I think of the gnomes of Zurich. Talk of anger and I think of the bickering and divisions in D.C. Think of lust, envy and sloth and I think of Las Vegas or Rio.

Even the secular world longs for redemption. In the mythology of the secular, superheroes come to save their respective cities: Metropolis has Superman; Gotham has its Batman; Central City is where Wonder Woman is; S.H.E.I.L.D. and its superheroes are headquartered in NYC.

Yes, there is evil in the world. And yes, the world is looking for redemption. And yes, everyone longs and pines for the Redeemer.


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What Child Is This?


What has come upon the world for it to have changed so?
It used to be that the birth of a child was a wonderful event
eagerly awaited with much joyful anticipation.
Now, children are seen as a burden,
their coming delayed for as long as possible
and in some cruel cases, even aborted.
We are indeed a people in need of redemption.
The Savior needs to come.

Christmas has always been a joyful season,
preceded by the hopeful waiting of Advent.
It reminds us dramatically that God walks among men.
It is a celebration of life,
the power of one life,
no matter how simple or humble,
to change everything and everyone.

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The Most Proactive Person in the Gospels


What would you do if you found out that your fiancée was pregnant before your wedding. And the baby isn’t even yours. The expected reaction will be anger and bitterness over such huge betrayal. In the heat of passion, one might even do harm to her, and people would have “understood” and “tolerated” it. This is the usual reaction response to such a situation.

A proactive person would respond to this kind of situation based on his values and principles, not to the situation or conditions. He is able to place a gap between the stimulus and his response. And in that gap lies his freedom to choose his response, taking responsibility for his decision and his action. It is not because “I was angry and blinded by my emotions.” but “I chose to . . . .”

Sounds too idealistic? Pollyanna-ish? Weak? Doormat? No, it is being proactive. It is possible and it works.

Joseph is the most proactive person in the Gospels. Imagine, he just found out that “she was found with child through the Holy Spirit.”  What does he do? He responds based on his values. “Joseph her husband, since he was a righteous man, yet unwilling to expose her to shame, decided to divorce her quietly.”

He took pause. He exercised his freedom to choose his decision. He slept. And in his dream. He firmed up what he knew he must do. “When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took his wife into his home.”

Fairy tale? Just a story? If I look closer and deeply into my life, I am like Joseph dealing daily with such situations and calls for decision. I have often regretted moments of reactivity and I have found great fulfillment in my proactive decisions.

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My Song, My Life


The Gospel reading for today is the genealogy of Jesus. It may have been fictionalized but it does make for interesting reading. Jesus’ family tree is a colorful one. It includes a murderer and an adulterer, Jews and Gentiles, the famous and the no-bodies, the powerful and the powerless. In a list that is usually all male, there are six females and several of them were known prostitutes.

One can read multiple meanings in this genealogy. One thing evident is that when one looks at one’s roots, a person’s story is like no other. There has never been one like me before nor will there be another one like me again. Cars or computers coming out of a factory are all the same. They are interchangeable. They may differ in colors but they are all exactly the same. And because of where we came from, we are one of a kind, unrepeatable, and all made to order.

I get a feel if this reality when in some quiet moments, I find myself singing a melody only I know in my mind. I move about to a certain beat that only I can hear. There is a certain rhythm uniquely mine that goes through mu whole life. Sometimes sad, often joyful. Sometimes low and sometimes high. It is my song. It is my life.

Christmas is the birth of the Christ. But it is also a celebration of the blessedness and uniqueness of every life that is born.


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Rejoice and Be Glad


Every epic tale since time immemorial has always involved the hero going forth on a quest or a mission to rescue the princess, or to win a kingdom or to save his people from the enemy or an impending disaster. Along the way, he encounters all sorts of difficulties and obstacles. He is helped by a host of other people, many of them strangers. He is distracted by still many others, some of whom are close to him. In the process, he discovers himself and realizes that the quest was after all his own self-discovery. And in finding himself, he finds the redemption he started to seek when he first embarked on his journey.

Thus, it is in real life. We find ourselves only when we seek out the good of and in others. Only when we are able to go and survive the bottomless pit can we scale the heights of victory and success. It is our willingness to lose our life that we find and keep it, including often that of others.

It used to be that every birth is a welcome event. For, every child that is born could very well be the hero that his people have been waiting for. Every child is a wisp of hope, holding the promise of a brighter and better future.

Yes, even in the darkest nights (of the soul) and before the most frightening cross before us, there will always be the light beckoning us forth. There is always a reason for hope and redemption. The hero in us will out.

Therefore, let us rejoice and be glad.

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The Shit Hole We’re In


Once, there was a toddler that fell into a shit hole and he was crying and crying. The people around gathered and tried to get him out. Some suggested to drop a rope or a ladder but the toddler wouldn’t know how to climb out. Others said to use a giant scooper but where to get the scooper? Still others said that someone should go down to bring the toddler out but no one wanted to get dirtied going into the stinky and filthy shit hole. As they were discussing, a man jumped into the shit hole scooped up the baby and it was now easy for the others outside to help them out.

This is the image of the Incarnation that Fr. Chito shared with us the other day during the mass for our small group at the seminary reunion for retired priests. God could have just dropped us a rope or a ladder to get us our of the shit hole we have dug ourselves into. He could just have simply scooped us out of that filth and mud. No, he jumped into the hole, joined us in the mud, and took us out into the light. Such is God’s love for us. he did it out of love and with joy – for us.

As for the man who jumped into shit hole, he was fuming mad looking for the guy who pushed him.

The world has never seen so much wealth and luxury as today. People think that comfort and leisure are theirs by birthright. There is always the tendency to take thing for granted. And everywhere and everyone has this feeling of entitlement. Life had never been this easy and pleasurable. Even preachers proclaim a gospel of prosperity.

Yet, life has never meant to be easy. It is meant to be deep like a hole, shared like rescuing a toddler out of the shit hole, and joyful like when one has served and saved another. God did not come in splendor and majesty. He came as a little baby born in very austere and spartan circumstances.

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Snippets of a Conversation


I dreamt I was having this conversation in my dream last night.

“Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings you have sent my way. You have given me more than I deserve. My heart is overflowing with gladness and joy.”

“You’re welcome,” he said, “But I have in mind of trying something different.”

“Speak, Lord, your servant is listening,” I boldly replied.

“You have been having it good so far, right?” said he.

“Yes, Lord, and I can’t thank you enough,” said I.

“What if I took away the material comforts that makes your life so comfortable?”

“Lord, even if your were to take half of what I have, nay even one third or one fourth, I would still find reasons to be happy and deeply grateful to you,” I said in reply.

And then, morning broke. And then the reality came to me that I was dealing with a money problem that was so sticky it irritated me like a grain of sand in my shoe. It was totally irritating. I know I can pay it but I get the feeling I m being taken for a ride and I can’t seem to do anything.

And then, I got another collection notice. I was being dunned for a liability I do not owe. Sure, I can prove it is not mine but it takes so much effort. And then I broke down. What? You, who would gladly lose most of what you have, can’t handle these little bumps on the road?

“Lord, help me. My boat is sinking,” I was back to the conversation I was having in my dream. But this time in real life.

And he did not answer.

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Our Lady of Guadalupe


Today is the Feast of our Lady of Guadalupe. In all the authenticated Marian apparitions, our Lady always chose to show herself to poor and simple people like Juan Diego, on Tepeyac Hill and asking them to deliver her messages. Today, the sight of her apparitions are among the top tourist/pilgrimage destinations in the world, often with opulent and magnificent churches and other structures. The poor and simple original visionaries could not have imagined nor expected what these places have become.

It is a far cry from how the world would have done it. The world would work through the rich and powerful, probably call for a press conference to launch a great campaign or an ambitious project. God works through poor and simple folks to serve as his emissaries or as they are properly called – prophets. These folks are usually not believed and even scoffed at. In the case of our Lady’s apparitions, the most difficult to convince and often the last to believe are Church authorities themselves. The most skeptical of the Resurrection were – you guessed it right! – the Church authorities of those times, the Sanhedrin.

Oh how God confounds the wisdom of the world with His folly for He often speaks through the poor to proclaim His Word. Thus, the song of Mary reverberates through the ages:

He has scattered the proud in their conceit.
He has cast down the mighty from their thrones,
and has lifted up the humble.
He has filled the hungry with good things,
and the rich he has sent away empty.

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