Category Archives: Presence
When one is having fun, one is likely to forget a lot of things, and even people. I was having a lot of fun some weeks ago and some of the things I forgot to do were my regular exercise … Continue reading
Prayer and the Storms in My Life
The Gospels are replete with stories of Jesus going off into the mountains or to some secluded places in order to pray. They are also full of stories of him working miracles and dong works of wonder. Did His power … Continue reading
The Gifts of the Magi
Breakthrough! That is what happens when God reveals Himself to us, when we discover God in our lives. God’s boundless and infinite love and being is like light breaking through the dark clouds, piercing through and driving away the darkness. … Continue reading
“The Lord is with you.”
There is a Presence in my life that is not human. Being human is being alive, like waking up in the morning and going through the day, eating, working, resting and sometimes having fun. Yet, there are moments during the … Continue reading
We Are Family
Yesterday was a family day for us. Martin and family with Mickey arrived from abroad to attend Macky’s wedding this weekend. I was excited to pick them up from the airport and trully thrilled when I finally saw them after … Continue reading
To Whom Do I Go When I Am Weary
Jane is a very sensitive person (pikon). She doesn’t hurt physically easily but one unkind word or a voice just a few decibels louder than the usual or even just the slightest slight will cause her to tear up. And … Continue reading
Coming Into The Presence
People come to Jesus for a variety of reasons. Many come to be healed of their infirmities so that the mute speak, the maimed are made whole, the lame walk and the blind see. Still many others comes to hear … Continue reading
In the famous play, Vladimir and Estragon spend days waiting for Godot. They do not know exactly when he was coming, how he looks like, why he is coming or why they are even waiting for him. They just know … Continue reading
I Have Decided to Follow
Even from my earliest years, I have always felt a certain longing and hunger inside me, prodding and urging me on. I have also always heard a certain call and clear invitation from someone, somewhere to follow a certain direction, … Continue reading
Early Morning Conversations
From my earliest years, I have always been fascinated by you seeking to know better and love you more. Even before I was fully aware of the world around me, I had been wondering what you were doing in our … Continue reading