Category Archives: Presence
Spritual Exercises
Use it or lose it. That is a physical law where I have found great enlightenment.Muscles atrophy when they are not used. Talents are forgotten over time when they are not utilized. Even money loses its value over time when … Continue reading
To Be Human Is To Ask Questions
Several days after the Resurrection and the apostles and disciples were still unbelieving and full of questions, made even more disquieting by their fears. To be human is to ask a lot of questions. Even believers are bothered by questions, … Continue reading
Yet Again, It Is The Lord
I grew up in a small town beside the biggest American military base outside of the US, living in the shadows of jet planes, enjoying applesand imported fruits, chocolate bars and comic books from Clark Air Base. I sometimes fancied … Continue reading
Real or Imagined Conversation?
As I was praying this morning and reflecting on today’s gospel reading, I found myself having this conversation with God: I said: “Lord, it is wonderful to be here, to be alive. I am grateful you give me one day … Continue reading
I Have Seen The Lord
When loved ones die and are gone, we try our best to keep their memories alive so that they can still be with us even if we do not see them bodily anymore. I keep Ima and Tatang alive in … Continue reading
The Empty Tomb
It is a glorious Easter morning. I imagine myself sitting under a bower of freshly bloomed spring flowers, Basking in a golden shower of God’s graces upon me on this bright and beautiful day, Drawing in all the goodness and … Continue reading
The Depths and Emptiness of Good Friday
Joel is a good friend. His was a life most people could only imagine in their wildest dreams. He was a respected doctor, having come from a family of doctors and married to one. He was a smart, not a … Continue reading
Photography and Spirituality
I love dabbling in photography. I love taking photos of nature scenes and of important occasions. I love putting my photos together and weaving a story out of them, or doing a reflective video or photo essay from them. I … Continue reading
The Loving Presence in My Life
Life is full of wonder and mystery. There is magic in every moment. There is a thrill always waiting just around the bend. I do not recall being asked if I wanted to be born and yet here I am. … Continue reading
Living With An Angel
Today is the birthday of Anabelle and I cannot thank the Lord enough for having sent me an angel to love. I have always treasured relationships and I have always known that man was never meant to be alone. Man … Continue reading