Category Archives: Health

On Health, Healing And Being Holy

Access to affordable and quality healthcare is now generally acknowledged as a right. And governments are working to make that a reality. In the Philippines, the Universal Healthcare Act guarantees the provision to every Filipino of the highest possible quality of health care that … Continue reading

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Clean Is Beautiful & Holy

Cleaning is good not only for the body and our physical surrounding but also for the heart and soul. Some cleaning is routine and ordinary. Other cleaning can be difficult and even painful. Dirt, like sin, degrades what is human … Continue reading

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Temptations Of An Old Man

Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples, saying, The greatest among you must be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” ~ Matthew 23:11-12 I feel comfortable growing old. I now … Continue reading

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Pain and Prayers

Emotions and feelings, whether good (like joy) or bad (like sorrow), can be shared. In fact, in there lies the power of emotions. Good emotions, when shared, are multiplied. Bad emotions, when shared, are divided. Pain is not for sharing. … Continue reading

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The God of the Impossible

My God is the God of the impossible. Abraham and Sarah were advanced in age when he was promised a son and that he would become the father of a great nation. And yet, it came to pass as promised … Continue reading

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Yokes And Burdens

I am currently grappling with a major health issue. I may have to undergo a radical procedure in the coming days. Still in all, I am amazed by the wonder that is the human body. My body has served me … Continue reading

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There are times I look at the world and I get worried about the incessant drive for more and more growth in business. I remember my own days in the corporate world, we used to plan for growth year after … Continue reading

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Spritual Exercises

Use it or lose it. That is a physical law where I have found great enlightenment.Muscles atrophy when they are not used. Talents are forgotten over time when they are not utilized. Even money loses its value over time when … Continue reading

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Spiritual Exercises

I have had hypertension for many years now. I have managed to keep it under control through exercise, diet and medications. My medicines correct whatever imbalance in my organ systems and body processes that causes my blood pressure to spike. … Continue reading

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Healing is Making Whole

I have worked many years working in the health industry. And I have noticed a difference in the art and science of medicine between Western medicine and Oriental medicine. Western medicine has focused on the science part, on symptoms and … Continue reading

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