Prayer In My Life


Often, my prayers and reflections lead me to thinking why I am here.
My yearnings are many and varied.
I do yearn for physical pleasures and material possessions.
But my deepest and most persistent longing is to find out the reason for my life,
the meaning and purpose why I am here.
There have been many moments when I feel,
with deep joy, humility and gratitude,
that my life is unfolding just as it was meant to be.
I have often felt that I have been and still being led by caring and loving hands
that want only goodness for me.
My life has not turned out exactly the I had wanted it to be.
But still on all, I could not have written out a better story.
I pray that I will always be sensitive to this unseen hand
leading and guiding me until I finally am able to come home.

In my life, there is nothing that I have prayed for that has not been granted.
Not only granted but more and even better than I prayed for.
Not in my time nor in the form and shape I wanted
but eventually everything I prayed for came about.
In His time . . .
In His way . . .

In today’s highly scientific and techie environment,
prayer is usually suspect as a valid way of getting things done.
Mother Teresa accomplished what she did with a lot of prayers.
St. Therese of the Little Flower is the patron saint of the missions
yet she never went out into the mission fields
but spent her days in cloistered prayer.
The English poet once wrote:
“More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.”

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