Category Archives: Source

The Incarnation

Everything in nature is governed by the laws of nature. What goes up must come down. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Every living thing is driven by and blindly follows its instincts. There is beauty … Continue reading

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The Speed and the Noise

Speed and noise seem to be the defining elements of people’s lives today. When people want something, they often want it now, as in right now. So we have instant versions of practically everything. No waiting. Instant coffee. Instant noodles. … Continue reading

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Vine and Branches

A water faucet will give no water unless it is tapped into a water source. An electric wire has no power unless plugged into a power source. A branch bears no fruits unless if it is rooted into a vine. … Continue reading

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The Stories That We Tell

String words together and a story is told. People always love a good story. A good story must have conflict and an end. Complications, difficulties and problems are the conflicts that drive the action. It is the quest for solutions … Continue reading

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Our Interconnectedness in the One

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” ~ John Muir, the great American Naturalist. Today, after a long hiatus, Anabelle and I went on a hike at the Uvas Canyon county Park with our good … Continue reading

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The Heroic in the Ordinary

  Everybody wants to be a hero. I know I do. Everyone wants to make a difference and to leave behind a mark, a legacy. But not everyone becomes a hero. So, we turn to great men and women who … Continue reading

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There is so much conflict, turmoil and violence in the world today – in and among individuals, in families, in societies, in and among nations. This turmoil is often but a reflection and an echo of the storms and tempests … Continue reading

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Welcoming 2019

Another New Year dawns, laden with hopes and promises. I welcome the New Year with gratitude. Thankful to be here and conscious and aware of this wonderful dawning. And these are the thought now running in my mind: I love … Continue reading

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Feast of Christ the King

O God We do well to join all creation in heaven and on earth in praising you through Jesus Christ, our Lord. For you have made us in your own image and set us, as stewards, over creation. Once you … Continue reading

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The Attitude of Gratitude – Day 7

The power of the word, whether written or spoken, is simply amazing. It has the unlimited capacity to inspire and to move people to build, or to destroy nations, to convert and to change lives, to provide joy in sorrow … Continue reading

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