Category Archives: Presence
Learning from My Emptiness
What can I learn when I am in a state of neediness and desolation? Nature abhors a vacuum. Whenever there is a vacuum, nature tends to fill it with just about anything to remove the emptiness. Often, I try to … Continue reading
God’s Mysterious Presence in My Life
My faith is not a faith that can move mountains nor can it drive away evil spirits. Often, I am faced with mountains of obstacles and problems. I will them to go away but they wont. There are times I … Continue reading
Awesome Signs in an Otherwise Ordinary Life
We went on a leisurely hike at Point Isabel in Richmond yesterday afternoon, just before the sun set. I was once again touched by the ephemeral beauty of the sunset. Every sunset, fleeting and radiant, is the promise of yet … Continue reading
Salt, Light and Jonathan Livingston Seagull
One of my all-time favorite titles is Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Here is one indomitable bird, flying over the sea (salt) and into the sun (light) in search of excellence. He suffers great physical pain, sustains bruises and injuries as he tries … Continue reading
My Prayers, My Life
How many evil things are done in the name of good intentions? A man gives his word of honor and he has a righteous and holy man beheaded just not to renege on his word. People commit themselves to some … Continue reading
Abiding Presence
As I look back at my life, I realize that there is nothing that I ardently prayed for that God did not grant me. All my fervent prayers have come to pass, often in measures and manner that I have … Continue reading
Another Day in Paradise
Yesterday, I was watching Jane and Anabelle as they were enjoying their snacks under an old redwood tree. There was a precocious five-year old young girl, with her sexy-genarian Lola, picnicking under a two-hundred year old tree. Every now and … Continue reading
Challenged and Changed by God
I can often be so wrapped up in my own world, I forget the bigger world around me. In recent months, I met and saw old friends and family whom I have not seen or met for a long time. … Continue reading
Sleep in Heavenly Peace
At my age, I feel like I am an old wineskin, a bag of old bones. But I have discovered the power and the magic of sleep. I can see and feel now how the Lord makes me anew every … Continue reading
Daily Prayers
Prayer was an integral and essential part in the life of Jesus. He always made time for it and was constantly in touch with the Father – almost like He never left home, because of their constant and on-going conversation. … Continue reading