Category Archives: Mystery
Signs That I Treasure
Life is such a wonderful experience. It is great to be alive. It leaves us often asking for more. There is a consciousness among men that there is a lot more to life than what we see or experience and … Continue reading
Why light a candle in the dark? Its flame is but a feeble flickering against the power of the dark. Just let the darkness envelope me and Swallow me into nothingness. Why light a candle in the day? Its light … Continue reading
Friday Flashbacks and Flashforwards
More and more these days, I come to a fork on the road And I am at loss on which path to take. I have simplified much of my life that choosing should be easy. Still I come to a … Continue reading
Faith is a Gift and also a Struggle
Sometimes I wonder if it would have been easier for me to believe and have faith had I lived during the time of Jesus and walked the earth with him, if like the disciples He sent forth, I had been … Continue reading
Prayer and Suffering
Prayer is as natural to my spiritual life as eating is to my physical existence. Hunger pangs tell me when and how much I have to eat. Uneasiness in my spirit tells me when to calm down and seek quiet … Continue reading
Who is Jesus Christ for me?
Who is Jesus Christ? He claimed that He is God. For the Jews, this was the ultimate blasphemy punishable by death. And put him to death, they did. But He rose from the dead, as he said He would. He … Continue reading
Letting My Light Shine Through
Like the rational thinking human being that I am, I try to make sense and understand life and what goes on around me. Yet much of life is a paradox and a mystery to me. News item: CEO pay is … Continue reading
Life Blessings
Life is the greatest blessing. It is a precious gift, undeserved and generously given. Even when things get rough and tough times come, it is still better to be alive rather than non-existent. Everything therefore that gives life is a … Continue reading
My Life As A Stalagmite
Stalagmites are formed by the constant dripping of countless water droplets rich in minerals from the ceilings to the floors in caverns. They are formed in the silence and the darkness, deep in the bowels of the earth. Droppings, darkness, … Continue reading
Perfect Combinations
There are certain things in life that do not just go together, like oil and water never mix. But there are also certain things that, as we struggle through life, seem to go naturally together, like blood sweat and tears. … Continue reading