Tag Archives: Wisdom
Winnowing Chaff From Grain
Great men often live lives steeped in paradox. They proclaim and work for peace and unity but often are the cause of a lot of dissensions and divisions. They would operate out of love and goodness and yet they stir … Continue reading
Praying For Families
From the very beginning, God has declared that it is not good for man to be alone. Before He created man, He first created the plants and the trees that will provide man with food, clothing and shelter. Then He … Continue reading
‘Fiat’ to Life’s Unfolding
In everyday language, a stoic is one who can endure pain or hardship without complaint or without any display of emotions or feelings. But as a philosophy or even as a way of life, stoicism extolled virtue as the highest good. … Continue reading
Being Mute and Silent
During my stay in the seminary, there were moments during the day we would observe the rule of silence. The rule of silence did not only mean keeping quiet but also being mute, speechless and not uttering a word. We … Continue reading
Laws of the Universe
There are certain laws and principles that govern our daily lives. We violate them at our own peril. We are aware there will be consequences – dire or desirable – to our actions. Like, what you do not lose, you … Continue reading
Different Ways of Seeing
Our date night movie last night was Big Hero 6. It was entertaining and the production value was excellent. Animation has gone along way from the childhood cartoons I used to watch on TV. The plot was simple and pretty … Continue reading
Spiritual Blindness
I recently met a man so full of himself. He revels in his talent and shares them generously. But he gives me the impression that he feels the world owes him the acclamation and adulation he thinks he richly deserves. … Continue reading
The Ways of the World
There are people who are wise to the ways of the world. They know where and how to pleasure the senses. It might be just a hole on the wall that serves the most exquisite dishes or a luxurious resort … Continue reading
Three Movements in Prayer
I always pray in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. And in there are the three movements in my every encounter with God. In the beginning, God said, “Let there be light” … Continue reading
I know that I have nothing but the here and now. The past is gone and the future is not yet. It is only today that I really have. And yet, my consciousness wherein my mind and memory reside, also … Continue reading