Tag Archives: Blessings
Loving With All My Heart, Soul, and Mind.
Anabelle and I were gone for a week of vacation. And as we stirred up from our sleep yesterday morning, Jane came through our bedroom door, with a smile as radiant as the morning sun on her face. She went … Continue reading
Bearing Fruits
The other day, we visited the Dole pineapple plantation along Kamehameha Highway, Wahiawa,Hawaii. I remember being shown once how integrated the operations are in such a place. Nothing of the fruit is ever wasted. The crowns are set aside to serve … Continue reading
Keeping the Devil Away With a Simple Life
The devil is a very wily adversary. After all, he has had millennia of experience tempting people versus my few years of fighting it. But his common ruse is to present something bad as good, true, or beautiful. Hardly anyone will … Continue reading
Life Does Not Consist of Possessions
The most difficult thing getting used to when I went into retirement was the lose of income. There were times in my younger years that I used to measure my self-worth in terms of the income I made or how … Continue reading
Harsh Words that Hurt
For all His tenderness, comforting words and inspiring stories, Jesus also had some scathing words and choice epithets for the authorities, specially the High Priests, the Scribes and the Pharisees. Like “You whitened sepulchers!” “Hypocrites!” “Fools!” “You brood of vipers!” … Continue reading
Life is for the Giving, not the Keeping
Looking out to nature and seeing all that beauty and grandeur always amazes me and fill me with unspeakable wonderment. Looking outward fills me with awesome. I look inward and I see something equally as awesome. I look out on … Continue reading
Asking and Prayer
Prayer is often seen as asking something from God, usually a material favor like a new job, a bigger house, a better car, more wealth. Sometimes, we ask for something more intangible like health or happiness or peace of mind … Continue reading
Children as Liberators
I have often noticed that babies seem to be aware of some presence that I do not see. I remember how, when Jane was a few months old, her eyes would move across a room as though following someone who … Continue reading
The Filipino Soul
Even as I write this, thousands are again huddled in evacuation centers in the Philippines – cold, wet, and hungry. Many have been driven out of their homes by typhoon Mario which has inundated the low-lying areas in the main … Continue reading
Praying With the Heart
Life must have been very difficult for Mary. An innocent maiden in her early teens, she receives a vision that she will bear a son who will be the messiah. And she wonders since she “knows not a man”. She gets … Continue reading