Tag Archives: Home

The Smells of Life

In the past few days, I have had the pleasure and the joy playing with these cute little angels. They were a bursting bundle of energy, which seemed to never run out. At times, they were more impish than angelic. … Continue reading

Posted in Aging, Children | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

My Father Is Here

Today is the death anniversary of Tatang. It is uncanny how the years has only made his presence in my life even stronger. I can feel my father alive in me and my own sons. His spirit. His moods. His … Continue reading

Posted in Children, Family, Photography | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Presence In My Life

There is in every human being an abiding sense of awe and wonder. We are always asking questions, specially why, and forever seeking answers. From my earliest recollections, I have been trying to find out what my life is supposed … Continue reading

Posted in Encounter, Life, Photography, Presence | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

To Whom Do I Go When I Am Weary

Jane is a very sensitive person (pikon). She doesn’t hurt physically easily but one unkind word or a voice just a few decibels louder than the usual or even just the slightest slight will cause her to tear up. And … Continue reading

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