Tag Archives: Change

Fullness of Life Comes From an Emptying of Self

I have often wished I were a wealthy man. Then I could be generous and do all the great things I dream of. I have been blessed with sufficiency of material possessions To live a comfortable and relatively easy life. … Continue reading

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Yesterday was a joyful day for Vince and Summer and our entire family. Jeremiah, their first son, was born. I do not remember my own infancy but I have vague recollections of have been fussed and doted on. I was … Continue reading

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Transfiguring My Life

Faces often convey more meaning and speak louder that the words we say. A smile on my face usually elicits a resonating smile from another person. A face burdened by pain or problems often breaks my heart and urges me … Continue reading

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It’s a Blur!

Blur: The Speed of Change in the Connected Economy was a popular book several years ago. It described how things are changing so fast in today’s world that everything seems to be in a blur. Moore’s law, for example, states … Continue reading

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I grew up during the heat of the Cold War, which pitted democratic countries, led by the US, against the communist bloc, led by the USSR. The relationship between the two blocs was one of stark confrontation. Their strategy in … Continue reading

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Blessed Are We Who Have Been Given This Earthly Paradise

Then he began to speak, and taught them, saying: ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. ‘Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. ‘Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit … Continue reading

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When I’m Down, I Look Up.

When life’s burdens bend you down so that you only see the ground, lift your head up high and see how marvelous is the sky. Today I got a letter of thanks from a nephew for the “remote support and … Continue reading

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Through the Small and Narrow Gate

“Money is the root of all evil.” This statement seems to be a trite and tired saying by now. And when one sees what money can buy today, the statement sounds to be that of a loser. Indeed, often in … Continue reading

Posted in Discipleship, Faith, Human Rights, The Good News | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

We Are Family

Families have always been the bedrock of societies. Strong and happy families make for a strong and happy nation. It is always inspiring to see a man leaving his father and mother and taking for himself a wife. I am … Continue reading

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The Spirit is Alive in the Valley

It is sad how religion is often perverted to become a force for division and subtraction rather than an influence for addition and multiplication. It is sadder still that so many wars are waged and acts of violence are committed … Continue reading

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