Tag Archives: Prayer
Pope Francis Peacemaker
Pope Francis has made history again by inviting the Presidents of Israel and Palestine to a Prayer Summit at the Vatican. During the service, Jewish, Christian and Muslim prayers were recited in English, Italian, Arabic and Hebrew. There was an Imam, … Continue reading
Ordinary and Exciting
Christ’s words and teachings are often counter-cultural and counter-intuitive. He often goes against the grain and defies what is accepted as conventional wisdom. He tells His disciples to be last if they want to be first, to be forgive those … Continue reading
Changes and Changelessness
Life is constant change yet the more things change the more they stay they same. I have changed and have seen a lot of changes in and during my life. Some changes are but a blur. Like, technology gets a … Continue reading
Love Incarnations
Love in today’s popular culture is often portrayed as the romance between two persons, with a strong focus on its physical and sexual manifestations. Love is richer and deeper than just the romance or the physical or the sexual. I … Continue reading
Constant Love and Care
There is a Good Shepherd who looks after me. He calls out and I hear His voice and I follow. In the hustle and bustle of daily living, His voice is sometimes drowned out by all the noise and the … Continue reading
Counting My Blessings
Flesh to eat? Blood to drink? So that I can have eternal life? To even believe that there is life after this one? then to love and serve others before myself? To be the last? To be humble? Indeed, these … Continue reading
Longing for Forever
Life is beautiful, I know and I can see. And yet all this beauty is but transitory. The pretty flower that blooms in my garden today All too soon withers and dies and just fades away. Yet the memory lingers … Continue reading
Warning: Not To Create God In My own Likeness
Sometimes, nay often, I find myself creating God in my own image and likeness. Like, I pray that God would make my life in this fashion or in that manner. There is no gainsaying or second guessing God; so, instead … Continue reading
The One Thing I Seek
In this day and age, I notice many people living their lives out of checklists: Top 25 Places to Visit before You Die; the 100 Books You Need to Read; 10 Habits of Happy People; 12 Things You Must Have … Continue reading
Real or Imagined Conversation?
As I was praying this morning and reflecting on today’s gospel reading, I found myself having this conversation with God: I said: “Lord, it is wonderful to be here, to be alive. I am grateful you give me one day … Continue reading