Tag Archives: Change

Portals and Thresholds

There are thresholds events in the lives of great people that define their lives into the ‘before’ and ‘after’.  Such events are usually life-changing ones. The Ascension was one such event. From a timorous bunch, the disciples became men filled … Continue reading

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Last night was our ILM Graduation. After three years of study, 46 of us completed this inspiring and inspired Faith Formation program of the Diocese of San Jose. It was a night of grace and blessings as we recieved our … Continue reading

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“It Takes a Village to Raise a Child.”

“It takes a village to raise a child.” says an African proverb. I have always been amazed by the interconnectedness of life, how everyone and everything are intimately linked and intertwined with one another. I am the sum total of … Continue reading

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“It Is I; Do Not Be Afraid.”

This prayer is attributed to the famous English admiral Sir Francis Drake. Early in his career, he started out as a pirate and was involved in the illicit slave trade. He was famous for having circumnavigated the globe in 1577-1578, … Continue reading

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The world is so bountiful there is enough food in all the world to forever banish hunger. Yet, there is still a lot of hunger in the world today.  The world has more than enough resources to banish poverty forever. … Continue reading

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We live today in a disposable and throw-away society. When something is broken or does not work anymore, we just throw it away and get a new one. When something is old, obsolete or not fashionable anymore, we just get … Continue reading

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Desert Experiences

We have a new pope – Pope Francis I. He takes over the leadership of a church, crying for reform and major changes, waiting and hoping for a new Pentecost, praying for the spirit to come and  ignite fires of … Continue reading

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Sede Vacante

(Photo courtesy of Fr. Daniel Huang, SJ) Yesterday was the last day in office of Pope Benedict XVI. The Chair of Peter is empty. The Church he left behind is roiled in turmoil – beset financial scandals, numerous incidents of … Continue reading

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Discipleship and Discipline

God’s boundless love is so prodigious and abundant I sometimes take it for granted.  It is totally unmerited I often think there is nothing I need to do to receive it. But I realize that I cannot come before the … Continue reading

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Changes and Signposts

Christ’s call to repentance is a call to change. And all life is about change. I can simply allow changes to happen in my life. Or, I can choose the changes I want to see happen in my life. I … Continue reading

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