Portals and Thresholds


There are thresholds events in the lives of great people that define their lives into the ‘before’ and ‘after’.  Such events are usually life-changing ones. The Ascension was one such event. From a timorous bunch, the disciples became men filled with the Spirit and great joy and went forth with great courage to proclaim the Good News. Ignatius, offering his sword to Our Lady at her Shrine at the Abbey of Montserrat near Manresa, was totally transformed from being a knight of an earthly king to becoming a knight of the Eternal King. A fitting tribute to mothers, today being Mothers Day.

But that is for great people. For ordinary mortals like me, it seems life a but a series of one threshold after another. I have had my own share of portals and thresholds. I am not really sure which one was the defining moment that would divide my life into ‘before’ and ‘after’. Was it when I entered the seminary in Mater Boni or when I left San Carlos Seminary? Was it the day I met Anabelle in Xavier School or when I wed her in Pius X Catholic Center? Was it when I got my first job or when I got my first promotion? Was it when I first became a father when Martin was born or when I first held Jonathan in my arms?

It was also one threshold after another for the apostles and disciples. What was their defining moment? Was it when they responded to the call of Jesus and left everything to follow him? Was it when they first witnessed his works of wonder and realized he truly was the Son of God? Was it when they first listened to his words of life and learned what the fullness of life and the Kingdom of God and the Commandment of Love were all about? Was it when they were looking at him crucified on the cross and fearful that this was the end? Was it when he rose from the dead and they realized their faith had been justified? Or was it on the day of the Ascension?

My life has been a journey, no less blessed than that of the apostles and other great saints. It is the same call I have responded as they did. And the journey is one portal and threshold after another, with each one leading me up one level higher every time. My response to the call has led me to a relationship that is on-going and perpetually being renewed. And the best thing about this journey and this relationship is that the best is yet to come. Just when the apostles thought they have finally come to the end, the Lord always came up with another surprising turn and led them up to the next level. And so it is in my life. Thank God for portals and thresholds.

Then he led them out as far as Bethany, and, lifting up his hands, he blessed them. While he was blessing them, he withdrew from them and was carried up into heaven. And they worshiped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy; and they were continually in the temple blessing God.
Luke 24:46-53

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