Tag Archives: Change

Fullness and Perfection

I have always desired and worked for perfection in my life – in the things that I do, in the things that I have and in myself and in the people around me. I have always hungered for life and … Continue reading

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It is still summer vacation for kids And their school is still out. Jane is happy and thrilled with her dance classes. Jonathan is excited with his summer camp at the Tech. We spend the days just being with them … Continue reading

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Prayer as a Guard Against Prejudice

The Internet is a great source of news and information, not to mention knowledge. But I often notice myself going only to sites that affirm what I already know or believe in. I often read only those sites or writers … Continue reading

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Finding a Hidden Treasure

We live in the Information Age, where information is the currency of business and the basis of economic value. It is amazing how information drives our lives today. Everyday, we see more and more applications of information in our lives. … Continue reading

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Dasein: Existence

Scientifically speaking, darkness does not exist. Only light does. Scientists can study light: the photons that carry it, its wavelike motion, its energy content. They cannot and do not study darkness for there are no photons to observe, no waves … Continue reading

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Change Means Getting Uncomfortable

Changes always stir us out of our comfort zones. Some times our comfort zones become so familiar and comfortable, we do not recognize that things and times, they are a-changing. It is said that get a frog comfortable in a … Continue reading

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I love clouds: pure and white, constant and changing. Often I wonder how it is like to “wander lonely as a cloud that floats on high o’er vales and hills” and watch the earth below with flowers (like daffodils) blooming, … Continue reading

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In the Hands of the Divine Sculptor

I recently came across this beautiful sculpture. It is amazing how such fluid transparency and soft delicate features can be drawn out from a material as hard as marble. What is even more amazing is the artistry of the sculptor … Continue reading

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I Have Seen The Lord

When loved ones die and are gone, we try our best to keep their memories alive so that they can still be with us even if we do not see them bodily anymore. I keep Ima and Tatang alive in … Continue reading

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Users Manual for Life

It is so easy for men to justify what is evil and vice and pervert these into what is good and virtuous. People know pride is bad but somehow it is made acceptable and even desirable when it is called … Continue reading

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