Category Archives: Presence
My Heart Beats With the Cosmic Pulse
As I gaze at and am amazed by immensity and the mystery of outer space, I realize I only need to look at my equally mysterious inner space to know and understand the rhyme and the reason of things. My … Continue reading
Jesuit Influences in My Life
Over the weekend, it was serendipity that we attended a wedding on Saturday and heard Sunday mass at the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola in Sacramento. It is a Jesuit Parish. Jesuits have played a major role and exerted a … Continue reading
On My Blindness
There are many times I am blind and fail to see. I often get so accustomed to things I fail to see all the beauty around me. I get so busy with life I fail to stop and smell the … Continue reading
My Thirsts
I have been thirsting all my life and I do not want my thirst to go away. I thirst for beauty and would want to see it in everything around me: the first blooms of spring, the singing of the … Continue reading
The First Day Of Spring
It is a beautiful morning, the first day of Spring. As I relish this moment, I am grateful for a number of things. The beauty that surrounds me is springing forth everywhere. Even the air is fresher and it’s got … Continue reading
It is wonderful world and life is beautiful. But there is also a lot to make one sad. Like, billions of people live on but a dollar a day while a few have billions and still want more. There is … Continue reading
God’s Mysterious Ways
The fall of Constantinople in 1453 signaled the end of an era. The last vestiges of the powerful Holy Roman Empire finally succumbed to the onslaughts of the Ottoman Empire. In its heyday, the Holy Roman Empire which existed for … Continue reading
A little girl on a mountain peak shouts out with joy: “Thank you God for the beauty and wonder of your creation!” Another day has just broken and she proclaims: “Thank you God for another wonderful day!” Spring is about … Continue reading
A Day In My Life
Yesterday, we visited Joe for the last time. We went to his funeral mass. I remember him guitar in hand, singing his songs with a coterie of young children trailing behind him. He brought joy and happiness wherever he went. … Continue reading
Amazing Grace, Once More
The more I think about grace, the more I realize how amazing grace is. Nature decrees that what goes up must come down. Grace declares that what comes down will be raised up and glorified. Nature decrees that what goes … Continue reading