Category Archives: Love
True Love Allows for Mistakes
A man and woman fall in love, decide to stay in love with each other and swear fidelity for the rest of their lives to that bond that gives them stability and certainty in an unstable and uncertain world. A … Continue reading
Proclaiming the Good News
Last night, Anabelle and I saw the new movie ‘The Internship’ for our regular Monday movie date. It is about two ‘old’ salesmen (in their 40’s) joining young nerds and geeks (in their 20’s) for a summer internship program at … Continue reading
Tears are the Language of the Heart
Teacher Ciello, one of our good friends from the AGS, posted this update on her Facebook page about the first day of school: “A little boy was so upset this afternoon. He was really crying. He wanted to drink Milo … Continue reading
My Heart Beats For You
The heart has always been the symbol of life and love. Life ceases when the heart stops beating. When I first experienced the thrill of love, it was through the stronger beatings of my heart that I become aware of … Continue reading
“What do you want me to do for you?”
I love watching how Jonathan and Martin, Kathleen and Jane relate and interact with one another. Jonathan thinks the world of his Dad. He believes Daddy knows everything and can do anything. And he does all of these things for … Continue reading
To Be a Christian is To Be Contrarian
I know that life is meant for the giving; that being in this world means being with and for others in this world. The greatest difficulty in giving is that it often means giving up. What I give, I give … Continue reading
Bless Our Children
I have always loved children and I have always loved it that children seem to take to me so naturally. I love the freshness and hope that they bring. Nothing is sweeter than a baby’s breath and nothing can be … Continue reading
We Are Family
Families have always been the bedrock of societies. Strong and happy families make for a strong and happy nation. It is always inspiring to see a man leaving his father and mother and taking for himself a wife. I am … Continue reading
The Spirit is Alive in the Valley
It is sad how religion is often perverted to become a force for division and subtraction rather than an influence for addition and multiplication. It is sadder still that so many wars are waged and acts of violence are committed … Continue reading
To be a Child
To be a child is to wake up in the morning, unencumbered by the past and with a future full of limitless possibilities. To be a child is to see the world with eyes of wonder, wishing for explanations or … Continue reading