My Heart Beats For You

The heart has always been the symbol of life and love. Life ceases when the heart stops beating. When I first experienced the thrill of love, it was through the stronger beatings of my heart that I become aware of this wonderful emotion. I realized then that my heart beats not for me alone but I was inspired to say: “My heart beats for you alone.” to the person I love. And when I lost a loved one, I did not suffer a headache, nor a stomach ache, not even muscle aches but a heart ache. I was heart broken.

The shape of the heart is unique. I sometimes wonder why the heart isn’t shaped like a perfect circle, a round ball. Then, it would be more efficient. As it is, the heart has a slightly pointy lower tip as though a part of it has been shaved off. Perhaps, that missing part of the heart is in God’s hands. There is always that lingering feeling of incompleteness and even emptiness in the human heart. And the heart will only be stilled when I finally get to meet God and he completes my heart by giving me back the missing part. “Our hearts are restless until they rest in thee, Oh Lord.” St. Augustine.

Today is the Feast of the Sacred Heart. Here is a heart that beats for me in infinite love. I shall match that ardor by seeking to have my heart beat in love for others.

“Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.”
Luke 15:3-7

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