Tag Archives: Discipline
Authentic Fasting
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I am more than just my physical body. Science has pretty much documented our bodily functions, including how thoughts are created in the human brain. But science stops there. How … Continue reading
My Lenten Journey
In Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Franics reminded us that “Being a Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive … Continue reading
Of Children and Life as a Circle
As I face the end of my days with trepidation and uncertainty, I am also experiencing deep joy and happiness being part of the early days of Jane and Jonathan. Anabelle and I had superabundant fun raising our three boys. … Continue reading
I have great admiration for people who can give generously and do so very spontaneously with expecting any rewards nor counting the cost. I hate myself most when I hold back in being a giving and generous person and first … Continue reading
Proclaiming the Good
There is often a strong urge in me to engage in gossip and idle talk. I sometimes derive perverse pleasure over the misery of others. I even gloat at their misfortunes, specially when I believe that some people just have … Continue reading
Prayer and the Storms in My Life
The Gospels are replete with stories of Jesus going off into the mountains or to some secluded places in order to pray. They are also full of stories of him working miracles and dong works of wonder. Did His power … Continue reading
The first and most important virtue that my parents and other elders in my youth tried to teach me was obedience. In the seminary where I spent most of my formative years, obedience was the supreme virtue, even ahead of … Continue reading
I Have Decided to Follow
Even from my earliest years, I have always felt a certain longing and hunger inside me, prodding and urging me on. I have also always heard a certain call and clear invitation from someone, somewhere to follow a certain direction, … Continue reading
I Will Endure
According to the Law of Entropy, everything eventually breaks down. In fact, everything in the universe is fragile. Life itself is fragile. And yet fragility produces the pieces from which new life and new levels of existence are created. In … Continue reading
Will Only a Few Be Saved?
I was with some of my old classmates from the seminary last night. As usual, it was a fun and a happy occasion as we swapped life stories, experiences and insights. Even as we relished each others company, we agreed … Continue reading