Tag Archives: Change

Serendipity and the Grace of God.

Boots was our neighbor when I was growing up as a kid. We used to play some games together. After our grade school, we lost touch with each other; until in recent years when we have been ‘reacquainted’ here in … Continue reading

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Life’s Rhythm and Rhymes

There are days full of sunshine and happiness, I’d pray for them to never end. They make me feel grateful for life And my troubles I am able to transcend. There are days so full of sorrow and sadness, I’d … Continue reading

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Signs Everywhere

While we were in Mexico last week, Jane insisted that her Dad call us up to tell us something she said was important. And when we finally got to talk to her, she said : “There are two persons missing … Continue reading

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Betrayals and Redemption

Betrayal by a loved one can be very painful and can destroy or break down a person. on the other hand, such betrayal can also serve to make a person better and stronger. “What does not destroy me makes me stronger.” a … Continue reading

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Palm. Sunday. Spring.

It is early spring and the wild flowers are in bloom. It is also Palm Sunday with a sense of portending gloom. Palms. Raised and waved in adulation and admiration. Hailing a king who will drive away the oppressors. Shouting … Continue reading

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Life Is Like a Plane Ride

This morning, I would have liked to pray about the importance of the individual, about how one person can change the world. My impression is that American society is an individualistic society, putting a high premium on the individual and … Continue reading

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Feeling the Presence

There have been moments in my life when I had a sense of foreboding and of impending doom. There were moments when I felt sad, gloomy, and disappointed for things not going the way I would have wanted them to. … Continue reading

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I distinctly remember the Gospel on the weekend that the EDSA Revolution of 1986 started. It was the story of the Transfiguration. There we were at Gate 5 of Camp Aguinaldo and a priest saying mass right there and then. … Continue reading

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Christmas Is Forever

The gospel reading on Christmas is the beautiful and lyrical intro to the Gospel of John, which must have been originally one of the hymns sung by the early Christian communities. It proclaims how God created everything there is through … Continue reading

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Active Waiting During Advent

Advent is a period of hopeful waiting. The first readings for the masses these day are all from the Book of Isaiah. They paint different pictures of the coming Messiah and the Kingdom He will bring about: Creation will be … Continue reading

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