Category Archives: Mystery
The Loving Presence in My Life
Life is full of wonder and mystery. There is magic in every moment. There is a thrill always waiting just around the bend. I do not recall being asked if I wanted to be born and yet here I am. … Continue reading
The Human Spirit Is a Spark of the Divine
Man usually thinks and reasons with his mind and he feels with his heart. And with his thoughts and his emotions, he then decides what to do. But sometimes, he decides what to do and then finds the reasons for … Continue reading
My Heart Beats With the Cosmic Pulse
As I gaze at and am amazed by immensity and the mystery of outer space, I realize I only need to look at my equally mysterious inner space to know and understand the rhyme and the reason of things. My … Continue reading
Users Manual for Life
It is so easy for men to justify what is evil and vice and pervert these into what is good and virtuous. People know pride is bad but somehow it is made acceptable and even desirable when it is called … Continue reading
The Mystery of Life
A basic assumption of science is that the world is intelligible and that humans have the capacity to study and understand it. Because of this assumption. men over the centuries have discovered or formulated the laws of nature, like the … Continue reading
Be It Done Unto Me According To Thy Word
There are many things and events in my life – most of them, amazing – I have no control over: when, where and how I was born, when, where and how I will die, my innate talents and capabilities. There … Continue reading
Playing God
Whenever I look at the beauty in nature, I am always filled with awe and wonder. The grandeur and the majesty of the mountains, the serenity and tranquility of the lakes, the colors and abundance of the flowers, the coming … Continue reading
God’s Mysterious Ways
The fall of Constantinople in 1453 signaled the end of an era. The last vestiges of the powerful Holy Roman Empire finally succumbed to the onslaughts of the Ottoman Empire. In its heyday, the Holy Roman Empire which existed for … Continue reading
Surpises and Contradicitons
Life is full of surprises and contradictions. I have come a long way from the small town of Angeles where I grew up to be living in San Jose California now. My journey has been full of surprises. As a … Continue reading
Amazing Grace, Once More
The more I think about grace, the more I realize how amazing grace is. Nature decrees that what goes up must come down. Grace declares that what comes down will be raised up and glorified. Nature decrees that what goes … Continue reading