Tag Archives: Contribution

The Fog in San Francisco Bay

I love the fog specially as it comes in from San Francisco Bay. I find it a refreshing sight and an invigorating experience as it breezes by me. It may seem a very ordinary thing but it is an essential … Continue reading

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Being Ready

If the Lord were to come to me today, would I be ready? This question has usually been taken to describe the moment of my death. When death finally comes, and I know neither the day nor the hour, would … Continue reading

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Making A Difference, One Small Change At A Time

Two workers at a construction site were asked the same question, “What are you doing here?” One answered, “I am digging a trench and will lay down bricks in it afterwards.” The other one said, “I am helping build a … Continue reading

Posted in Discipleship, Photography, The Good News | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Life is Meant for the Giving

There are two large bodies of water in the Holy Land, connected with each other by the river Jordan – the Dead Sea in the south and the Sea of Galilee/Tiberias/Gennesaret in the north. The two seas are no more … Continue reading

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I am properly defined as a being-with-others-in-the-world. Indeed, it takes a village to raise a child. The poet John Donne famously wrote,           No man is an island,          Entire of itself,          Every man is a piece of the continent,          A … Continue reading

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Life Choices

Life is a series of choices. While I may not have had a choice in being born, everything else after my birth has been a matter of choice. Even when I do nothing, that is still a choice. There may … Continue reading

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