Category Archives: Nature
Playing God
Whenever I look at the beauty in nature, I am always filled with awe and wonder. The grandeur and the majesty of the mountains, the serenity and tranquility of the lakes, the colors and abundance of the flowers, the coming … Continue reading
My Thirsts
I have been thirsting all my life and I do not want my thirst to go away. I thirst for beauty and would want to see it in everything around me: the first blooms of spring, the singing of the … Continue reading
Murphy’s Law and the Prodigal Son
I have always found Murphy’s Law fascinating if not fanciful. And it has been expressed in many slightly different ways: “If anything can go wrong, it will.” or “ Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” or “If there are … Continue reading
The First Day Of Spring
It is a beautiful morning, the first day of Spring. As I relish this moment, I am grateful for a number of things. The beauty that surrounds me is springing forth everywhere. Even the air is fresher and it’s got … Continue reading
A little girl on a mountain peak shouts out with joy: “Thank you God for the beauty and wonder of your creation!” Another day has just broken and she proclaims: “Thank you God for another wonderful day!” Spring is about … Continue reading
Amazing Grace, Once More
The more I think about grace, the more I realize how amazing grace is. Nature decrees that what goes up must come down. Grace declares that what comes down will be raised up and glorified. Nature decrees that what goes … Continue reading
Life, Lilies and Birds
The serenity of the sunset can never be improved upon. The distant hills are quiet witnesses to the melting of the sun. There is nothing I can do now to change that day just done. Just like the beauty of … Continue reading
Amazing Grace and Karmic Nature
Everything happens for a reason. That is the law of nature. You reap what you sow. That is law of karma. This beautifully landscape scene did not happen by chance. It was designed, engineered and created by human reason and … Continue reading
Peace And Harmony In A Pond
Peace. Quiet. Serenity. And harmony. There is nothing to change or to fix to make this scene even more perfect. The lotus follows the laws of nature and it blossoms in glorious beauty. The frog need not toil nor labor … Continue reading
It is now generally accepted that everything that there is in the universe started with one point of light exploding mightily in a big bang. And in that one cataclysmic moment, the entire universe came to be. Maybe Someone said, … Continue reading