Tag Archives: Choice
Some Disciples I Have Known
He was a successful business executive. Upon his retirement from the corporate world, he pursued another career as a diplomat. He had hid fair share of enemies. Everyone knew of his deep faith. Many were impressed that he went to … Continue reading
Be It Done Unto Me According To Thy Word
There are many things and events in my life – most of them, amazing – I have no control over: when, where and how I was born, when, where and how I will die, my innate talents and capabilities. There … Continue reading
It is wonderful world and life is beautiful. But there is also a lot to make one sad. Like, billions of people live on but a dollar a day while a few have billions and still want more. There is … Continue reading
My Lenten Journey
In Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Franics reminded us that “Being a Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive … Continue reading
Learning from My Emptiness
What can I learn when I am in a state of neediness and desolation? Nature abhors a vacuum. Whenever there is a vacuum, nature tends to fill it with just about anything to remove the emptiness. Often, I try to … Continue reading
I have great admiration for people who can give generously and do so very spontaneously with expecting any rewards nor counting the cost. I hate myself most when I hold back in being a giving and generous person and first … Continue reading
Let Go and Let God
If I were to buy my life, what can I buy it with? I was born with nothing at all. So what currency can I use to buy me a life? I have had many joys and pleasures. But these … Continue reading
Faith, A Choice and A Gift
Faith healers have always been part of the Philippines spiritual and social landscape. Some are mere charlatans. Others are real channels of God’s grace and healing. Hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of people would travel long distances to be healed by … Continue reading
Faith Seeking Understanding
God must often be amazed by my lack of faith as Jesus was by the people from His own hometown. They questioned where he got His power and His wisdom, how He is able to do His mighty deeds, how … Continue reading
Proclaiming the Good
There is often a strong urge in me to engage in gossip and idle talk. I sometimes derive perverse pleasure over the misery of others. I even gloat at their misfortunes, specially when I believe that some people just have … Continue reading