Tag Archives: Choice
Making Room For Grace
When I am full of myself, I have no room for others in my life. If I am too busy with my concerns, I cannot be concerned about others. Oh, sometimes I make a little room for others to come … Continue reading
Hope Is Unwavering Trust That My Water Will Turn Into Wine
Some of the most touching and poignant moments during a Discovery Weekend happen during the Cana Meditation on Sunday morning. After a day of Faith (Friday) and a day of Love (Saturday), a couple caps their weekend together with a … Continue reading
Good News!
Then Jesus, filled with the power of the Spirit, returned to Galilee, and a report about him spread through all the surrounding country. He began to teach in their synagogues and was praised by everyone. When he came to Nazareth, … Continue reading
Alone Wtih God
I start my day with some moments being alone with God. Early in the morning, before the busyness of the day starts, I pray. I pray that I see God’s face but never have I seen his face. All I … Continue reading
What Am I Looking For?
We are each born into specific circumstances. The place and the family we are born into is a given over which we had no choice. The talents and abilities we are born with are also a given which we can … Continue reading
Here is to Christmas, One More Time!
This year, I was transported back in time to the Christmas of my childhood, where we would go around visiting family and friends. Ima would wake us up early and with me, David, Noel, Non and Tatang in tow, would … Continue reading
Counting My Blessings
It is often in times of tragedy, of terrible loss or sadness that people turn to God or ask the question: “Where is God?” Rare are the instances where the people would seek and see God in times of great … Continue reading
Evil Is Real
The massacre of innocents in Newtown Conn. has snuffed out young lives, broken the hearts of those they have left behind and shocked a whole nation into anguished cries of “Why? How could such things be happening with such unnerving … Continue reading
Question Me an Answer
There are probably some people who’d wish they had lived during the time of Christ. Then. faith and believing would be easier if they were in direct contact with Christ himself. I think they would be disappointed. Believing and faith … Continue reading