Category Archives: Presence
Where Everything Comes Together
Today’s world is very secular and it is a very scientific and rational world we live in. Jesus is sometimes seen or dismissed as a myth and his words and teachings are seen as mere superstitions by many. Like, eternal … Continue reading
The First Day of Spring
The clouds of my depression are lifting up and I am beginning to see the light again. So timely and appropriate that today is the first day of spring. I see this as a recurring pattern in my life: in … Continue reading
My Life Is a Miracle
The odds of winning the lotto is one in millions. It is such a long shot it would take a miracle to win it. The smart advice is not to waste money betting on it. I am one in a … Continue reading
Desert Experiences
We have a new pope – Pope Francis I. He takes over the leadership of a church, crying for reform and major changes, waiting and hoping for a new Pentecost, praying for the spirit to come and ignite fires of … Continue reading
Sleep as a Mystery and a Sacred Moment
Sleep is something many people take for granted. Sleep is a mystery to me and it can be a prayer and be made a sacred moment. Science tells me that we move through two kinds of sleep: the REM sleep … Continue reading
The Greatest Commandment
Moses, speaking on behalf of Yahweh, gave his people the Ten Commandments. Later on, these commandments were expanded in the more than 600 laws in the Torah. And Jesus simplified them all into one word: Love. I read the others … Continue reading
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” (Third Law of Motion) “What goes around, comes around.” (Law of Karma) “The measure you give will be the measure you get back.” (Jesus Christ) Physics, Eastern Mysticism and Christian … Continue reading
The Human Face of God
In writing down my reflections, I often refer to God as the Presence, the Source. I am often hesitant to name Jesus Christ, probably too keenly aware of the strong secular milieu I am in that is not too welcoming … Continue reading
It is Ash Wednesday.
Today is the start of Lent and we celebrate it with a public acknowledgment of our mortality through the imposition of ashes on our foreheads. Lent is a journey with God. We start with the fragility of our existence and … Continue reading
The Hymn of the Universe
I love the image of a beating heart as the symbol of life and love. The constant and rhythmic alternate contraction and relaxation of the heart muscles send life-giving blood coursing throughout the body. When someone says “My heart beats … Continue reading