Tag Archives: Wisdom
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” (Third Law of Motion) “What goes around, comes around.” (Law of Karma) “The measure you give will be the measure you get back.” (Jesus Christ) Physics, Eastern Mysticism and Christian … Continue reading
I see myself as a forgiving person, easily forgetting the wrongs that have been done to me by others. Given time, I can even be friends again even with people who have hurt me very deeply. But I am also … Continue reading
Valentine’s Day
Today is the Feast of Saint Valentine and Valentine’s Day is a big thing back in the Philippines, second perhaps only to Christmas for people to give gifts and to eat out to celebrate. Indeed, Filipinos are a very loving … Continue reading
The Hymn of the Universe
I love the image of a beating heart as the symbol of life and love. The constant and rhythmic alternate contraction and relaxation of the heart muscles send life-giving blood coursing throughout the body. When someone says “My heart beats … Continue reading
Defining Myself
In one of our recent ILM classes, one of the sisters was sharing with us her experience in prison ministry. She was relating how they have to take off everything they have except literally the clothes on their back before … Continue reading
We are still in the midst of winter: cold weather, sometimes rain, snow in the mountains, leafless and seemingly lifeless trees. It is a cold drab landscape compared to the flowers of spring and the warmth of summer or even … Continue reading
Believing in an Age of Agnosticism
For many people today, the world came about through a series of fortuitous random events. For a man of faith, everything is part of the divine unfolding of the universe and everyone has a role to play in this great … Continue reading
The Parable of the Sower and the Computer
Ordinary things and events often can teach us very valuable lessons and give us deep insights. In today’s Gospel, Christ used the story about a sower to explain how people would respond to his words and teachings. I have always … Continue reading
There Will Never Be Another Me Or You
No one can read a person as one reads a book. I have three sons and I once thought that after Martin; Mickey and Macky would be just simple copies of Martin. Nothing was farther from the reality. Sure, it … Continue reading
Doing Humble Service
I am saddened by many of our Church leaders in the Philippines at how they can be so out of touch with the signs of the times, how they can be so intolerant as to call hellfire and brimstone upon … Continue reading