Category Archives: Science
The Parable of the Sower and the Computer
Ordinary things and events often can teach us very valuable lessons and give us deep insights. In today’s Gospel, Christ used the story about a sower to explain how people would respond to his words and teachings. I have always … Continue reading
An Ordinary Life Made Extraordinary
The evolution of life on earth started out with the primeval organic soup churned out by the waves and tides of the ocean. Out of this primeval soup, the first living single cells emerged. It took millions of years for … Continue reading
Make Straight the Path to Eternity
Life is a beautiful gift. I did not ask for it but here I am today anyway. From the simple atoms of the Big Bang to the present complex, complicated and conscious person that I am is some fifteen billion … Continue reading
Pascal’s Wager
Science worships at the altar of the gods of Certainty and Repeatability. But increasingly science is discovering that, at it very core, the universe is ruled by random probability. Probability theory partial traces its roots to Blaise Pascal, noted for … Continue reading