Category Archives: Nature
The First Day of Spring
The clouds of my depression are lifting up and I am beginning to see the light again. So timely and appropriate that today is the first day of spring. I see this as a recurring pattern in my life: in … Continue reading
We live today in a disposable and throw-away society. When something is broken or does not work anymore, we just throw it away and get a new one. When something is old, obsolete or not fashionable anymore, we just get … Continue reading
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” (Third Law of Motion) “What goes around, comes around.” (Law of Karma) “The measure you give will be the measure you get back.” (Jesus Christ) Physics, Eastern Mysticism and Christian … Continue reading
Seek And You Shall Find
In prayer, I knock on God’s door to help me in seeking for what is his will for me to do and then I ask him to the grace, strength and courage to do it. This is not the way … Continue reading
Changes and Signposts
Christ’s call to repentance is a call to change. And all life is about change. I can simply allow changes to happen in my life. Or, I can choose the changes I want to see happen in my life. I … Continue reading
Valentine’s Day
Today is the Feast of Saint Valentine and Valentine’s Day is a big thing back in the Philippines, second perhaps only to Christmas for people to give gifts and to eat out to celebrate. Indeed, Filipinos are a very loving … Continue reading
God Would Have Made a Very Bad HRM Manager
I used to do Human Resources Management, where I researched, recruited and retained excellent people for the companies I worked for. I looked for people who had top caliber talents, demonstrable skills and credentialed experience. Mediocre, unskilled and inexperienced people … Continue reading
The Hymn of the Universe
I love the image of a beating heart as the symbol of life and love. The constant and rhythmic alternate contraction and relaxation of the heart muscles send life-giving blood coursing throughout the body. When someone says “My heart beats … Continue reading
We are still in the midst of winter: cold weather, sometimes rain, snow in the mountains, leafless and seemingly lifeless trees. It is a cold drab landscape compared to the flowers of spring and the warmth of summer or even … Continue reading
On Being and Becoming
People today hate to wait. They want everything instantly. Pronto! There are so many instant products that cater to this desire: instant coffee, instant meals, instant service, etc. Leisure and pleasure seeking are such strong and popular activities; people want … Continue reading