Signs Of The Times

We have done so much to pollute our environment we are seeing climate changes of apocalyptic proportions: super strong storms and typhoons, torrential rains and massive floods in some places with long-drawn out droughts in others, destructive storm surges and tsunamis, one earthquake after another. We have messed up our lives so bad there are constant wars and conflicts in many places. Even in places believed to be at peace, there is a lot of division and bickering among people. It is no wonder then that there are so many prophets of doom proclaiming the end of the world.

The end may or may not be yet. I feel that if and when the end comes it will be because of man’s doing. We continue on our profligate ways and keep on thrashing our one planet and soon she will no longer be a habitable nor hospitable place for us. We continue with our bickering and divisions and soon we will kill each other off from the face of the earth. But the signs of the times tell us that if we do not change our ways we are speeding towards our own damnation and destruction. These signs are calls for us to take care of the earth instead of thrashing it, to come together in peace, brotherhood and love otherwise we are assured to go MAD (mutually assured destruction).

Thanksgiving is a great time to read these signs of the times with greater attention. In the midst of natural calamities and in the face of our own man-made catastrophes, there are still a whole lot of things to be grateful for: being here, others being here for me, being here for others, family, community, friendships, work and career, ministry and mission. I am realizing it is things of the spirit and not material things that I am truly grateful for. In my gratitude, I am deeply humbled. Knowing the weak and wicked person that I am, I do not deserve all the goodness that has come into my life. I have received mercy and forgiveness and love and affection that I do not truly deserve. On this Thanksgiving Day, I bow my head in humble prayer and let the words ‘Thank You!” linger on my lips for all the blessings I have been blessed with, for all the people I have been gifted with and for all the events through whose unfolding I have caught a glimpse of my God passing through in my life.

‘There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on the earth distress among nations confused by the roaring of the sea and the waves. People will faint from fear and foreboding of what is coming upon the world, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see “the Son of Man coming in a cloud” with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to take place, stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.’ 
Luke 21:20,23-28

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