Why Young Children Love to Say NO

To a new-born baby, it and its mother are one. From the womb till the first years of its life, a baby sees itself as part of its mother. And then from the ‘Terrible Two’ phase and onward, a baby begins to assert its identity and its favorite word is NO! By saying NO! a child starts the process of individuating and differentiating himself/herself from the mother and the other persons around him/her. Thus, slowly his own personality is shaped, formed and gradually emerges. But even when her children leave her nest, a mother’s heart will always beat for them. And all of us will always long for home, which is not really a place but the bosom of our mothers.

And so it is in my relationship with God. It starts with a deep appreciation of life. I did not ask nor deserve to be here and yet here I am. Through Ima and Tatang, Someone called me out to existence. And in my sacred moments, this truth is as stark to me as daylight. I am unique and one of a kind. I am special, not better than but definitely different from others. I am a value unto myself. And this value is something no one can nor should take away. I have something of great value that is worth sharing with others. And in the same manner, others are also of great value I should respect and be grateful for if they should choose to share that value with me.

This Someone, who is my Source, invites me and calls me into a relationship. While I had no choice coming into this life, I have been given the choice how to live out. I can say No! to the call and the invitation from God. But like a mother, God is always there for me: “I have written your name in the palm of my hand. Should a mother forget her child, I will never forget you.” And every time I stray or get lost, I always comes back to the bosom where I am most myself.

“Which commandment is the first of all?” Jesus answered, “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
Mark 12:28-34

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