What I Pray For

In my life, there is nothing that I fervently prayed for that did not come true. Early in life, I prayed for a happy and fulfilling one – like most everyone I suppose. I even described what would make up that happy and fulfilling life. In due time, everything I prayed for became realities, much richer and much fuller than what I described in my prayer. And all of these happened so naturally – just like things falling into their proper places. The greatest temptation I have had to watch out for was pride: that these things happened because I worked for them and deserved them and therefore I owed no one anything. The premise is true but the conclusion is not. Sure, I worked hard for these things. But because I prayed for them, the Lord accompanied me on the journey. I owe him big and I am grateful.

These days, prayer for me is less and less about asking for things. It is more and more about being amazed with what God has done and is doing to meĀ  and in my life, in the events of the day and in the people he sends my way. It is more and more about thanking him for the graces he pours on me – unmerited and in great abundance, pressed down, shaken together and flowing over. It is more and more about being aware of a Presence that is loving, protective and bringing to me and my loved ones joy that is complete.

Jesus said to his disciples, “Very truly, I tell you, if you ask anything of the Father in my name, he will give it to you. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.
John 16:23-28

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