Shedding Off the Last Leaf


Year 2015 started out as an ordinary one. But it ended up rather inauspiciously for me. It was chugging along just fine to a routine, ordinary ending when a minor calamity struck. i hd a bypass surgery. Looking back now, the procedure itself was uneventful but what it did to me was a catastrophe. In the aftermath, I was beset by so much negativity, pessimism, mistrust, doubts, skepticism and disenchantment. The emotional and spiritual turmoil I went through caused more suffering than the physical pain did.

Now, the year is about to end. Winter has come and it is time to shed the last leaf of pessimism and negativity and let it fall to the ground. It is time to walk out of the shadows into the light of a new day and new beginnings. It is time to let the rains and the snow fall and let the streams of life start flowing again. It is time to peel off the crusts of cynicism and doubt that have enveloped me in recent months.

It is Christmas and it is time to see the stars shine in the wintry cold of night. It is time to learn again the lesson of finding peace and joy in the simplicity of the manger. It is time to leave behind the cynicism and and the skepticism that has bedeviled me since my operation and see the beauty, innocence and the promise of a better tomorrow in the eyes of the baby in the manger.It is the season to relish family and friends, no matter how humble, and to be thankful for the love and care they bring into our lives. it is a good time to realize how great things can grow out of small beginnings, how space for caring and sharing is created even when we crowd out our hearts with useless and pointless quests and busyness.It is time to let the light from God shine into our lives and show us the way to that which our spirits deeply hunger for.

Then, it will be a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

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