God is in His Heavens


Yesterday was a God-is-in-His-heaven-and-all’s-right-with-the-world kind of day. It indeed reminded me of Pippa’s song by Robert Browning:

           THE year’s at the spring,
           And day’s at the morn;
           Morning’s at seven;
           The hill-side’s dew-pearl’d;
           The lark’s on the wing;
           The snail’s on the thorn;
           God’s in His heaven—
           All’s right with the world!

I was with my loved one and my best friend and this was the sight that I beheld as we were going on a road trip. The beauty of the day had me wishing I could add a new color to the rainbow, more vibrant and more joyful. I wish I could create a new emotion that would say happy and fulfilled in a novel fashion. I even wanted to dare plumbing the depths of sadness and sorrow and be not afraid, certain that everything in life would eventually explode into a scene like this. I wish I could be one with these solitary and silent trees and just experience all the life force flowing through them and happening all frond. I wish I could be flow silently with the stream nearby on its lonesome journey to the sea, sometimes murmuring over stones, sometimes singing with the fish swimming in it, confident of finally reaching the great ocean of life.

My God is the Lord all creation. He is Lord of everything around me. And He is the Lord of all that is in me.

“. . . . some of the Pharisees said, “Why are you doing what is not lawful on the sabbath?” Jesus answered, “. . . . The Son of Man is lord of the sabbath.”
Luke 6:1-5

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