Life And Its Blessings

IMG_2912The deepest longing of man is for life, light and love.
Life is our greatest blessing, totally unmerited, and given unconditionally.
Because we are alive, all other blessings are possible.
Light is the energy through which we share in the God who created us.
Light, and its energy, permeate and keep the whole universe alive.
And light shines the brightest in the human heart.
The light and energy that burn in the human heart is love.
We experience love when we celebrate and share the blessings of life and light
we have all received.
When we experience love we see the beauty these is around us,
in the universe and in people.
And we know that this beauty, this love and the light are all true.

The works of the devil are death, darkness and depravity
This may be a stark simplification of life given that life is very complex
and often comes in shades of gray.
But living a life sharing blessings transforms the grays into a motley of vibrant colors.
I bless people when I wish them good in their lives,
work I bring them good things
and share whatever good and goods I have.
I curse people when I treat them with hatred, anger and exclude them.
I pray that I be a force for goodness and blessings
and not an agent of darkness, death and doom.

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