The flurries of the holidays are over and things are starting to settle into their daily routine. Children are back in school. Parents are back to their places of work. And everyone is again busy with the ordinary activities and everyday grind of earning a living. Anabelle and I are back doing our ‘apos’tolic duties.
One thing though has not changed. I still take time to spend moments in Sacred Space in prayer. Even during his busiest days, Jesus always found time to go off (to the mountain or to a quiet place) to pray. Somehow, my day does not seem right if I miss out on my time for prayers.
Often, I do it out of routine. Sometimes, I do not feel like praying at all. There are the instances that I find great consolation in it. But I persist in spite of the unevenness of the experience, trusting that the Lord is working on me, that there is a time and place I set aside for Him everyday. It may not be clear to me now but in the fullness of time, I believe that everything every piece will fall into place, specially for those times when things look like they are falling to pieces.