What Makes My Life Real

Life is too precious to be frittered away sweating the small stuff. Material possessions are small stuff. I have had many shirts and shoes and each one was replaceable. In fact, I eventually had to get rid of all of them with the passing of time. Cars are small stuff. I have had many cars and I do not miss any of them now. In fact, I don’t even own one right now. Houses are small stuff. I have lived in several houses and I have had many happy and memorable moments in each one of them, even in the hovels I lived in in Negros or in Tondo.

What matter are the people I shared my life with, the friends I have invited and who have visited me at my house or invited me to theirs. What matter most is the family that have made my house a home. I have had many friends and each one is irreplaceable. Each one had brought something into my life no other person could give me. I cherish each one of them. I would keep each of them within arms reach if I could and would definitely keep them in my heart and my memory forever. I may have hurt many of them and some would rather not have anything to do with me anymore. But I am grateful for each one for, because of them, I have been changed for the better.

There are extra special people in my life and these are my family. I began my life in their welcoming arms and bosoms and I will end my life in their loving arms and bosoms. My entire life journey has been with them, for them and about them. I cannot even start thinking how my life could have been without thinking of my family. I cannot think of my life gradually unfolding except in the company of my family.

I love these words from C.S. Lewis: “Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art…. It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.” Take away all that is needed for survival like food, clothing and shelter and I will still find ways to survive. Take away my friends and my family and I’d sooner die than live for another lonely moment.

“Lord teach me and show me the realities that make my live worth living. Let me not be blinded by the blandishments of false realities.”

The disciples had forgotten to bring bread,
and they had only one loaf with them in the boat.
Jesus enjoined them, “Watch out,
guard against the leaven of the Pharisees
and the leaven of Herod.”
Mark 8:14-21

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