There is always ineffable beauty in nature.
Beauty so moving, there must be a painter who captured all those colors and shades,
Or, a creator who put it all together.
This is not at all some chance happening.
The truth is, there’s got to be a reason, a meaning for all this beauty and goodness.
Often, my prayers and reflections lead me to thinking why I am here.
My yearnings are many and varied.
I do yearn for physical pleasures and material possessions.
But my deepest and most persistent longing is to find out the reason for my life,
the meaning and purpose of why I am here.
There have been many moments when I feel,
with deep joy, humility and gratitude,
that my life is unfolding just as it has been meant to be.
I have often felt that I have been and am still being led
by a caring and loving hand that wants only goodness for me.
My life has not turned out exactly the way I had wanted it to be.
But still in all, it has been more than what I had hopes for and dreamt of.
I could not have written out a better story for my life.
I pray that I will always be sensitive to this unseen hand
leading and guiding me until I finally am able to come home to Him.