“I tell you, in just the same way
there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents
than over ninety-nine righteous people
who have no need of repentance.”
~ Luke 15:7
God does not make garbage. Man does.
Out of the dying embers of exploding stars, God has fashioned out planets. Out of the dust in the cooling down planets, He made nature – trees, plants, living things and animals. And when everything was ready, He fashioned man from out of the dust. Nothing wasted. Nothing out of place. Everything that was needed was there. There was abundance and yet nothing was in excess nor extra. Thus works our awesome God.
Man generates garbage. There is humongous garbage patch in the middle of the Pacific that is 7 million tons heavy, twice the size of Texas and up to 9 feet deep. It is there because we are generating too much garbage to fit into our dumping grounds on land. Whatever we make eventually breaks down or become obsolete, and we throw these away. For our convenience, we have made everything ‘instant’ and disposable. We end up creating even more garbage.
God does not throw away things. Instead, He fixes things. He makes things better. And when people are broken. He does not throw them away. He makes them whole again. Better. Stronger. And more beautiful. God does not create disposable things. Whatever He creates, He values for all eternity. He said let there be light and the stars started exploding all over. He made man in His image and likeness and men will live forever with death as but a portal to come o the fullness of God’s glory.
Man’s value is as infinite as his source. Heaven rejoices when one life is saved. Heaven is glad when but one sinner repents and returns.
O Lord, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?