Let Lives Live


Rolling up the scroll, he handed it back to the attendant and sat down, 
and the eyes of all in the synagogue looked intently at him. 
He said to them, “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” 
Luke 4:20-21

I read this beautiful quote written on the tombstone of a beloved daughter: “Death is more universal than life. Everyone dies but not everyone lives.”

Yesterday, we joined the Walk for Life West Coast, calling for a stop to abortion. It is a sad commentary about our society that death for the unborn is a legal choice. It is indeed very tragic that some souls are killed even before they have had a chance to live. While choice is what distinguishes us animals, it is very deplorable that someone should die when somebody else makes a choice.

Life is a most beautiful gift. It is the most important gift. In fact, it is the only gift that matters. God has been very generous, in fact extremely generous to the point of being prodigal, is giving out life. One only has to look at the abundance and diversity in nature. Yet, man – in his desire to control nature – would limit life to just a number of animals and plants for food, or limit the population for just a number of people, or even eliminate those who are different or defenseless.

Because probably Nature displays so much abundance, we often look at blessings in terms of more and better. But we should look at blessings also in terms of less. Nature, even in her abundance, takes up only what is needed to sustain life. It is only men, who in their greed and selfishness would take more than what they need.

God speaks His word and His spoken word breathes forth life. In His time, His Word is fulfilled. I am a moment in God’s time. I should allow and make His Word fulfilled in my life.

Life is a given.
It’s never to be taken.
Let us let lives live.

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