Choice And Changes

I can be self-absorbed in my pain and be miserable. Or, I can chose to still be a giving and generous person in my sufferings and see that pain is an essential ingredient of life. Some of y pain is often self-inflicted but many of it comes with the process of living. For more than beings, we are becomings, subject tot he constant changes in and around us. And changes always give rise to discomfort, pain and suffering.

Through it all, there is always the choice. We have always been limited in his mobility. But through choice and creativity, men have created different means of transportation that has enabled them to move people and resources around the planet with relative ease. But men have also often chosen to be destructive of others and of the environment. There are wars, conflicts, pollution and deleterious climate changes.

Paris in recent days have shown the world what evil and what good men are capable of. The massacres of November 14 were despicable and inhuman acts, causing pain and suffering that was totally irrational and unnecessary. The vengeful response was equally condemnable but which many approved of and applauded. Nobler were the countless Parisians who went out to help the victims and gathered in sympathy to show the perpetrators that they have not been able to snuff our the nobility of character in the people of Paris. In fact, France – even in the midst of the carnage –  renewed its pledge to accept refugees from the troubled land where the terrorists came from or drew their motivation.

And then this week, the Paris Conference came up with a landmark agreement on climate change, signed by 200 nations. The agreement showed that men are capable of deciding and acting together for the sake of our common good.

There is a lot to be sad and worried about current events in the world. But we can also choose to see the good things and the good people around and among us.

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