I shall not tempt the Lord and ask for a sign from heaven. Instead, I shall offer Him a sacrifice and a song of praise.
Life is a great gift. I cannot even start to fathom why I was given this wonderful present. The clearest sign of this life that was given me is my body. I can touch, see, feel and even taste it. And yet I know I am more than my body. My body may be weak and tired but I can still soar in the sky and take flights of fancy. My body may be fevered and sick but I can imagine myself healthy and going about my daily tasks. When I am asleep, I may be dead to the world but I am fully alive in my dreams.
I am always amazed how my past is ever with me. I only need to hear a song or smell a certain scent or be with special people and I am transported to my past with wonderful memories. And as I grow older I remember more of my distant past than of my recent memories. Yet even as I grow older, I can still feel stirrings, yearnings and desires in me crying for fulfillment. Somehow there is something deep within me that says I shall live on forever even when my body has reached its expiration date.
I love and am grateful for all the signs God has placed all around me. I love nature. I love the people around me. I love the events in my life. They are all signs of God’s love for me. But the greatest sign of His love He has planted deep within me. I only need to be still for me to encounter God Himself in my innermost being.