Salt, Light and Jonathan Livingston Seagull


One of my all-time favorite titles is Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Here is one indomitable bird, flying over the sea (salt) and into the sun (light) in search of excellence. He suffers great physical pain, sustains bruises and injuries as he tries to perfect his ability to fly. He suffers ostracism from his flock as he believed that there is more to his life than just scavenging for food. In the end, he achieves a higher level of existence and spends the rest of his days teaching others what he has learned.

I have always felt that I have been born for greater things; that there is more to my life than earning a living or even carving a career; that somehow God is not done with creating me yet and He will ultimately bring me to a higher level of existence. I have also felt a deep need to make a difference and contribute to make my world a better place than when I first arrived. I want to be one with my God and join Him in creating something and in the end be able to say, “It is good.”

In today’s Gospel reading, Christ shows me how to bring out the good in people and in the events in my life.

Salt. Plentiful and so ordinary. Just a dash of salt makes everything taste good. Just a pinch of salt brings out the flavor in every kind of food. Yet, salt never calls attention to itself. Too little of it makes food taste bland. Too much of it makes food too salty. Just the right amount makes food delicious. We enjoy the dish and usually totally forget about the salt. Salt is also a preservative. It saves and prolongs the flavor and texture of food. Christ calls on me to be the salt of the earth – to bring out the best in others and to save and protect the good that is in them.

Light. All pervasive and often taken for granted. A single light shining in the darkness makes a world of difference. With even the tiniest light, we can see where we are going and get a good picture of what is around us. A lighted candle sharing its light with another candle does not lose any iota of its light but instead its light is multiplied over and over with every sharing. When I share the light of goodness that is in me, I do not lose it but I multiply it a hundredfold until my world is awash with the light of what is true, good and beautiful. Christ calls on me to be a light of the world – to help other see the wonders and signs of His presence all around us.

“Lord, by your grace, may I be salt and light to the people in my life and the events that shall happen in my life today.”

Jesus said to the crowds, “You are the salt of the earth;
but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored?
It is no longer good for anything, but is thrown out and trampled under foot.
You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid.
No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket,
but on the lamp stand, and it gives light to all in the house.
In the same way, let your light shine before others,
so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.”
Matthew 5:13-16

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