A Proactive Spiritual Life

The mark of human beings, which distinguish us from the rest of living creatures, is our capacity to choose. The hallmark of the proactive person is the constant and conscious practice of this capacity to choose. The important things in a proactive person’s life are all the results of decisions, consciously taken and done. Therefore, love more than just being a wonderful emotion is a conscious and constant decision. Similarly, happiness is not only a condition to be wished for but more importantly a decision to be made and done everyday. Success is not something that happens to me but something I decide and make happen in my life. Likewise, if I have a miserable and disappointing life, I probable have somehow made the decision to be miserable. 

Yes, I can just allow things to happen in my life. And indeed they will even without me doing anything. But how I respond and what I do because of what happens in my life is entirely within my control. Thus, I can choose to see the brightness and happiness of life or to be overwhelmed by the gloom and doom around me. I choose to see and live by that which is bright and happy. I can choose to focus on what is wrong and evil in people or to see and appreciate the goodness and love in them. I choose to see the many loving people in my life and the good they do for me and for others.

I believe my being here is also the result of a loving decision by God when He choose to create me. The whole of creation is a wonderful idea in God’s mind which He chose to make real. “Let there be light” He said and there was light. “Let the universe be.” He said and indeed it was. “Let us make man in Our image and likeness.” and I am. And God is not yet done creating me. My prayer for today will be: “Lord, if you choose, you can make me whole and complete.” I strain my ears in prayer to hear Him say: “I do choose. Be made whole and complete.”

A leper came to him and kneeling down begged him and said,
“If you choose, you can make me clean.”
Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand,
touched the leper, and said to him,
“I do choose. Be made clean.”
The leprosy left him immediately, and he was made clean.
Mark 1:40-45

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